Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Mimpi Menjadi Fotografer Profesional

Harga DSLR yang semakin murah membuat mimpi pencinta fotografi menjadi fotografer handal semakin mendekati kenyataan

“Membidikkan kamera dan menekan tombol shutter, mendengar rana yang bergerak dengan cepat, membuat hidupku lebih bergairah. Kulewatkan hari-hariku dengan menembus subuh sebelum matahari tampak. Detik-detik napasku tak jemu menunggu rona memerah di ufuk barat saat mentari tenggelam.” Kalimat di atas saya temui di situs milik Valens Riyadi, Valens memang bukan seorang fotografer, ia lebih dikenal sebagai professional di bidang teknologi informasi. Namun semua orang tahu, ia memang cinta berat akan fotografi.

Kini, pecinta fotografi seperti Valens bagaikan jamur di musim hujan. Karakteristik mereka adalah mereka paham banyak hal tentang fotografi. Sebelum beralih ke kamera digital, mereka biasanya sudah bergelut dengan kamera analog (kamera film), SLR (Single Lens Reflects). Harga kamera Digital SLR (DSLR) yang semakin murah mempercepat pertumbuhan pengguna DSLR di Tanah Air. Memicu migrasi dari pengguna kamera digital kompak ke segmen kamera professional ini.

Semuanya berawal pada 23 Agustus 2003. Canon mengejutkan publik dengan memperkenalkan Canon Digital Rebel (Canon EOS 300D) dengan harga $899. Situs rujukan para pengguna kamera digital, menulis, peluncuran EOS 300D ini adalah momen kedua terpenting setelah diluncurkannya Nikon D1 pada Juni 1999. Canon menurut dpreview memungkinkan konsumen membeli kamera DSLR dengan harga terjangkau. Konsumen hanya perlu mengeluarkan dana di bawah $1000 setelah menambah sekitar $100 untuk lensa.

Kini pilihan kamera DSLR dengan harga terjangkau semakin banyak. Awal September lalu, Canon baru saja meluncurkan seri Digital Rebel generasi ketiga yaitu Canon EOS 400D atau yang lebih dikenal dengan nama Digital Rebel Xti. Kamera dengan resolusi 10 megapiksel plus lensa standar (lens kit) ini dijual dengan harga sekitar Rp8,5 juta. Diluncurkannya 400D menyebabkan harga Canon EOS 350D plus lensa standar turun menjadi sekitar Rp6,5 juta. Sementara Nikon, April tahun lalu memperkenalkan D50. Kamera DSLR entry level dari Nikon ini dijual dengan harga yang hampir sama dengan EOS 350D.


Menurut Aldin Soemantri, Product Manager PT. Alta Nikindo, distributor resmi kamera Nikon, diperkirakan 70-80% dari pengguna kamera analog di Asia—termasuk termasuk di Indonesia—yang telah berpindah ke kamera digital tahun ini. Di Amerika Serikat angkanya bahkan sudah mencapai ke 90%. Menurut Merry Harun, Direktur Divisi Canon, PT Datascript, distributor resmi kamera Canon, jumlah kamera kamera digital kompak yang terjual tahun lalu mencapai 200 ribu unit dan sementara DSLR 10 ribu unit. Tahun ini, pangsa pasarnya diperkirakan meningkat menjadi 350 ribu unit kamera digital kompak dan 20 ribu unit kamera DSLR. “ Hingga September Datascript telah berhasil menjual 5000 unit Canon DSLR,” tuturnya. Datascript menargetkan menjual 100 ribu kamera digital kompak dan 10 ribu DSLR Canon pada akhir tahun, menjadikannya menguasao 50% pangsa pasar.

Sebesar itukah pasar DSLR di Tanah Air? Apakah telah terjadi migrasi dari pengguna kamera digital kompak ke kamera DSLR? Tren ini bisa dilacak dari pertumbuhan komunitas pengguna kamera digital di Indonesia. Dan internet adalah cara paling efektif untuk menemukannya. Salah satu situs terkemuka yang mewadahi para pecinta fotografi ini adalah (FN). Situs ini didirikan pada 30 Desember 2002 oleh Kristupa W. Saragih, seorang fotografer professional dan Valens Riyadi—yang kata-kata puitisnya saya kutip pada awal tulisan. Menjelang ulang tahunnya yang ke-4, telah menjaring lebih dari 97.000 anggota, dengan lebih dari 22.000 anggota aktif.

Di situs FN para anggota bisa saling diskusi, memamerkan hasil foto dan mendapatkan kritik dan penilaian dari anggota lain. Menurut Kristupa, anggota FN bertambah rata-rata 114 orang per hari. Sebagian besar anggota FN adalah warga Indonesia yang bermukim di dalam dan di luar negeri plus beberapa anggota dari Malaysia, Singapura dan Australia. Jumlah akses (hit) FN mencapai 32 juta lebih setiap bulannya atau rata-rata 1 juta lebih hit per hari. Selain FN ada juga komunitas kamera digital di, yang anggotanya mencapai lebih dari 6000 orang.

Yang menarik, menurut data terbaru yang dikirim FN pada BusinessWeek Indonesia, sebesar 63,27% (lebih dari 60 ribu anggota) dari total jumlah anggota FN tahun ini adalah pengguna DSLR. Dan 36,73% (sekitar 37 ribu) sisanya menggunakan kamera digital kompak (kamera digital saku dan kamera semi professional). Ini berarti jumlah pengguna kamera DSLR di Tanah Air jauh lebih besar dibandingkan dengan jumlah pangsa pasar yang diperkirakan oleh Merry Harun dari Datascript yang mencapai 20.000 unit.

Menurut Kristupa, peningkatan jumlah pengguna DSLR bisa dilacak dalam dua tahun terakhir. Pada 2004 jumlah anggota FN pengguna DSLR hanya mencapai 27,28% dari seluruh jumlah anggota, sementara pengguna kamera digital kompak mencapai 72,72%. Pada 2005 jumlah Anggota FN pengguna DSLR melonjak menjadi 46,12% dan pengguna kamera digital kompak turun menjadi 53,88%. Puncaknya adalah tahun ini dimana mayoritas anggota FN adalah para pengguna DSLR.

Lebih Kejam

Hal itu bisa memiliki dua arti. Pertama, ada peralihan dari pengguna kamera digital kompak ke DSLR dan kedua, ada para pengguna baru yang tertarik membeli DSLR karena harga kamera DSLR yang semakin terjangkau. Menurut Aldin, pasar DSLR lebih kejam daripada pasar kamera kompak. Para pembeli kamera digital kompak biasanya adalah para pemula, yang mudah dipengaruhi oleh iklan dan edukasi. Sementara pembeli DSLR adalah mereka yang butuh pembuktian terlebih dahulu sebelum memutuskan untuk membeli satu merek DSLR tertentu.

Walaupun terkesan promosi, pada kenyataannya, pasar DSLR memang dikuasai oleh dua merek besar yaitu Canon dan Nikon. Di FN, dua merek ini yang topiknya paling banyak dibahas. Per 27 September, terdapat 1291 topik yang membahas merek Canon dengan 19.894 tanggapan dan 1330 topik untuk merek Nikon dengan 18738 tanggapan. Topik yang membahas merek lain hanya mencapai 664 topik dengan 6201 tanggapan. Alasannya sederhana, mengutip pernyataan Aldin di atas, kamera SLR dan DSLR memerlukan waktu pembuktian yang bahkan mencapai 30 tahun untuk mengetahui kualitas sebuah kamera.

Salah satunya adalah pembuktian kualitas lensa. Berbeda dengan kamera digital kompak yang memiliki lensa yang fixed, tak bisa diganti-ganti, menurut Aldin, pada kamera DSLR, 90% bagian terpenting adalah lensa. “Apapun kamera Anda, kalau lensanya pantat botol ya pantat botol,” tutur Aldin. Jika Anda fotografer Anda pasti mengakui hal ini. Namun lensa yang berkualitas seringkali identik dengan harga yang mahal. Harga sebuah lensa 300mm, f/2,8 misalnya bisa mencapai Rp38 juta, 6 kali lipat dari harga sebuah bodi kamera. Sehingga, bisa dipastikan persaingan DSLR masih jauh dari selesai.

Mimpi kamera analog

Produsen saat ini memang seperti berlomba untuk menciptakan bodi kamera DSLR dan juga lensa baru dengan harga yang terjangkau. Mereka berupaya keras untuk merebut pangsa pasar dari Canon dan Nikon. Sony yang selama ini dikenal sebagai produsen sensor kamera bahkan mengeluarkan kamera DSLR mereknya sendiri yaitu Sony Alfa100 pada April lalu. Di salah satu gerai ritel online di Jakarta, bodi Sony Alfa100 plus lensa standar dijual dengan harga Rp9,4 juta—masih di bawah Rp.10 juta. Pentax—kamera yang memiliki banyak pilihan lensa ini—juga mengeluarkan DSLR baru, K100D, yang dijual dengan harga Rp5,4 juta. Sementara Olympus mengandalkan seri E500 yang—dengan dilengkapi dua lensa yaitu lensa super wide dan tele—dijual dengan harga Rp6,9 juta.

Menurut Aldin persaingan pasar kamera DSLR tidak akan berhenti sebelum kualitas DSLR dianggap bisa menyamai atau bahkan melebihi kamera analog atau kamera film. “Untuk bisa sekelas dengan kamera film, kamera DSLR harus memiliki resolusi setidaknya 22 megapiksel,” ujarnya. Saat ini bodi kamera Canon termahal yaitu EOS-1Ds Mark II (berharga lebih dari Rp60 juta), baru memiliki resolusi 16,7 megapiksel. Sementara bodi Nikon yang termahal, D2Xs (Rp35 juta) memiliki resolusi 12,4 megapiksel.

Para penggemar fotografi digital bisa berharap akan semakin banyak DSLR yang diluncurkan. Dan semakin besar pangsa pasar, sesuai dengan hukum ekonomi, harga pun bisa semakin murah. Pada akhirnya, akan semakin banyak para pengguna baru atau pengguna kamera digital kompak yang bisa menikmati DSLR dan bergaya layaknya seorang professional. Tak terkecuali di Indonesia.


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Aside from the obvious difficulties of pitching so brilliantly in such a high pressure situation, Larsen's feat is even more impressive when one considers that the Dodgers had four future Hall of Famers in their lineup: Duke Snider, Jackie Robinson, Roy Campanella and Pee Wee Reese. Are you a Kansas City Chiefs or Pittsburgh Steelers fan.

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Try simple games and check how your internet connection is
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At 11:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Broadcast satellite "in the Star on the 9th," was successfully launched in June last year, it can be said
is a milestone in the field of live satellite event.

Next, build a list of prospects and develop a relationship with those prospects on your list.
Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar: The Duke Red Matter (Part One; CBS, 1956)'Abbott Stables's Duke Red is a thoroughbred destroyed over a serious injury in an accident, and
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At 7:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 8:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If it is lower the Studio365 will tell you and let you know that it will not sound well.

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At 8:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the four tournaments since his first of the season, he.
A bowler who can consistently pick up his spares can easily hold a 180 average without getting any strikes.
It can go as far as ruining their experience since it is the last interaction they have with a game.

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This is a small selection of great music I listen to,
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We are literally not the same person we were a minute ago,
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Once the game is 80% complete you will need to work on the sound.
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At 1:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The pc 2007 elite TV software is therefore legitimate
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The new EP Pure Wet is a masterclass in experimental baselines and echoey, breathy
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At 9:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

clients, Rachel, who got back together with her ex. It combines RPG elements and
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t love the unself-conscious little boy or girl, the undaunted miniature explorer
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At 12:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As the medium is not limited to any particular geographical or demographic region,
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At 7:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Believing that you are actually starving, it releases chemicals that actually make it harder to lose
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Itis one of the most important aspect is that it is very much pleasurable, peaceful, and every
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Body is solid and is made up of magnesium alloy which
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It does appear, however, that hypnosis can help a person
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as you can, because a crash diet will have you
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At 7:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As the medium is not limited to any particular geographical or demographic region, advertising on internet
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As an Internet broadcaster, it is high time that you pick on these available opportunities and add that $ilver
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In fact, I always suggest to those overweight vegetarians to keep to a max of
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At 2:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You might need heavier line and tackle to account for powerful river flows.
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At 3:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As long as poets continue to write poetry new ones will be created to categorize the person's poems. From ancient Britain come romantic love poems of forbiddin trysts in black forests and aristocratic romance between knights and fair maidens. However, believe it or not poems about getting back together actually can be quite powerful when attracting your ex back into your life.

At 12:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you find it a bit maddening to follow the daily fluctuations of the scale even though you are
eating properly, pick three days of the week on which you will always weigh yourself (for example, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday).
Withdrawal from levothyroxine can be done but it takes 6 weeks
of withdrawal for the remaining thyroid tissue to be
completely starved. Many people don't have the time to weight themselves every day, but checking the scale on a regular basis can definitely help when you're working to lose
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At 12:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If your camera doesn't have this option, try going outside where the light is usually better. Don't think you need an expensive camera and equipment setup either.
1 MP at pricing that was well over $1,000 but the DSC-W530 offers higher-resolution in
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At 1:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Break your 3 normal main meals into 5 smaller portion sizes - morning,
snack, lunch, snack, dinner. It’s old news that tracking food intake could lead to losing a few pounds [2].
Now, the average healthy amount people are supposed to lose is 2 pounds per week.

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At 1:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This method of fishing also has a by-catch of non-target species such as sharks, dolphins,
turtles, and other non-target fish species. Spinning - Trout are aggressive and definitely will strike and eat
smaller fish. All the equipment is included in your deep sea fishing charter Cancun and the boat is so nice you will want to take
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At 2:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This method of fishing also has a by-catch of non-target
species such as sharks, dolphins, turtles, and other non-target
fish species. Depending on how you're going to want to do your fishing you'll want to find a boat to rent
for Michigan fishing. If the fish are not hitting on
your main crappie jigs you may need to switch to live bait or a combination of live and artificial

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At 3:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You might need heavier line and tackle to account for powerful river flows.
Depending on how you're going to want to do your fishing you'll want to find a boat to rent for Michigan fishing.

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At 9:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A little bit of care, concern and love will go
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On the other hand children spend most of their time with their mothers, who love deeply,
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At 10:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So how do you select the finest shop from all the retailers that offer
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photos too. There are more important things to consider
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At 2:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It does appear, however, that hypnosis can help a person achieve his or her weight loss
goals. Cucumber contains sterols which can help to lower cholesterol and
prevent carbohydrates from converting to body fat.
When you're about to start on your weight loss plan, it's a good idea to think about your end goal and chunk
it down into smaller goals.

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At 7:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Though the levels look really simple, they are actually quite challenging.
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At 9:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This connectivity will allow you to easily transfer photos on to your laptop for storage.
The EOS 50D's body design allows the camera to fit perfectly in hands while taking even the most difficult shots. 1 MP at pricing that was well over $1,000 but the DSC-W530 offers higher-resolution in an affordable package that is only 5.

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At 10:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Worked All Zones Award" is the same concept with time zones.
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Perfect for a chillout slow jam hangout after the clubs close.
What we can do is to really accept what we did while forgiving that part of us that was unaware of what
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At 1:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In other trick taking games, players can take tricks on a number of kind
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At 12:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is more important than ever in a world where there are dozens of different audio formats.
Next, build a list of prospects and develop a relationship with those prospects on your list.
You will need an outside antenna to get clear reception
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At 2:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Similar to the cue ball that is shot in pools;
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Say you're doing as well at Chemistry, and as you are doing at Maths Extension 2, then instead of splitting your study time equally between the two (just because they are both worth 2 units each), you should spend more time on Extension 2, simply because it scales higher. Harry Potter Hogwarts is one more entry into this new series of LEGO board games.

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At 11:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It does appear, however, that hypnosis can help a person achieve his or her weight loss goals.
Avocados- Although not my favorite, are high in fats, the good ones.
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At 3:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The fishfinder approximates where the fish are by measuring the amount of time between when
the beam was sent out and when it registered the hit.
You will also want to have a supply of different lines that you can use.

If the fish are not hitting on your main crappie jigs you may need to switch to live bait or a combination of
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At 7:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Believing that you are actually starving, it releases chemicals that actually make it harder to lose weight in an effort to conserve energy.
Vinson had participants keep their normal diet and exercise routines (or lack thereof) and merely added the
green coffee. Many people don't have the time to weight themselves every day, but checking the scale on a regular basis can definitely help when you're working to lose weight and keep it off.

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At 3:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once you have done this, set the burn speed to 4x and click Burn and wait for
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At 3:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

(Game scheduled for December 15th with Utah State playing Toledo).
Just last year Apple sold more than one hundred million
i - Phone and i - Pad apps. The nature of Reddit's platform makes it possible -- through great and creative effort, it appears -- to give users a gift of the unexpected, rather than deriving humor from humiliation.

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In other trick taking games, players can take tricks on a number of kind of contract.
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Break your 3 normal main meals into 5 smaller portion sizes -
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the green coffee. Many people don't have the time to weight themselves every day, but checking the scale on a regular basis can definitely help when you're working
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At 5:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It iis based on computer with electrographic sensor technology.
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At 1:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

s better to use whole foods made from scratch for
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people are supposed to lose is 2 pounds per week.

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At 3:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like any game, when we stay within the rules, we score,
and when we play outside the rules there of course is a penalty.
It should come as no surprise that i - Tunes is loaded
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Broadcast satellite "in the Star on the 9th," was successfully launched in June
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It iis based on computer with electrographic sensor technology.
Aside from the obvious difficulties of pitching so brilliantly in such a high pressure situation, Larsen's feat is even more impressive when one considers that the Dodgers had four future Hall of Famers in their lineup: Duke Snider, Jackie Robinson, Roy Campanella and Pee Wee Reese. But what happens when a player runs out of race tokens.

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At 12:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

clients, Rachel, who got back together with her ex. Imagine never having to worry about
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For the purposes of this game, a "set" is at least three cards of equal value such as three Jacks or three fours and a "sequence" is made up of at least four cards that are of the same suit and run sequentially
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Though the levels look really simple, they are actually quite challenging.
Leveling up to defeat all the enemies can be time arresting so
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Try simple games and check how your internet connection is and then move on play more games.
All spaceship game leveling systems are designed slightly differently, but
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But what happens when a player runs out of race tokens.

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made in a can, there may be metallic edges that can cut one's mouth. The nature of Reddit's
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At 6:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

(Game scheduled for December 15th with Utah State
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The developers are saying that Defiance is a pixel perfect shooter, so if you aim
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Much like Safari, the Camera app, the App Store and i - Pod, Game Center has no option to
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At 1:41 PM, Blogger QuickBooks Payroll Support Phone Number said...

QuickBooks Enterprise has almost eliminated the typical accounting process. Along with a wide QuickBooks Enterprise Support Phone Number it provides a wide range of industry verticals

At 12:03 PM, Blogger Jamess said...

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At 12:15 PM, Blogger kevin32 said...

You’ll manage to give us a call any time for the moment support QuickBooks Support Phone Number have a tendency to are accessible for you personally 24*7. Our talented team of professionals is invariably in a position to help you whatever needs doing.

At 12:33 PM, Blogger steffan said...

QuickBooks is available for users around the world whilst the best tool to provide creative and innovative features for business account management to small and medium-sized business organizations. If you’re encountering any kind of QuickBooks’ related problem, you could get all that problems solved just by making use of the Quickbooks Support Phone Number.

At 2:22 PM, Blogger Mathew said...

It is simple to totally avoid this hindrance by simply making a wise choice. Simply pick your phone and dial Choose QuickBooks Enterprise support Number to obtain linked to technical experts easily for every types of technical assistance in QB Enterprise.

At 2:03 PM, Blogger kevin32 said...

QuickBooks Customer Support Number was made to meet your every accounting needs and requirement with a fantastic ease. This software grows and your business and perfectly adapts with changing business environment. Everbody knows there are always two sides to a coin and QuickBooks isn't any different.

At 12:22 PM, Blogger steffan said...

There are so many individuals who are giving positive feedback when they process payroll either QB desktop and online options. In this web site, we are going to enable you to experience to make and place up the checklist for employee payment. To get more enhanced results and optimized benefits, you are able to take the assistance of experts making a call at Quickbooks Support Number.

At 4:13 PM, Blogger accountingwizards said...

We possess the most customer friendly tech support team team made to provide you with the most wonderful technical assistance in QuickBooks Online. Simply call QuickBooks Tech Support Number; we assure you the complete satisfaction by providing you the worth of each single penny.

At 5:34 PM, Blogger QuickBooks Payroll Support Phone Number said...

Quickbooks Support For Business All of the above has a particular use. People working with accounts, transaction, banking transaction need our service. Some people are employing excel QuickBooks Technical Support Number this sheet cannot calculate accurately the figures.

At 12:21 PM, Blogger steffan said...

There are lots of payroll options made available because of the online type of QuickBooks varying upon the necessity of accounting professionals and subscription plans. Quickbooks Support Number as well provides all possible help with the users to utilize it optimally. A person who keeps experience of experts has the capacity to realize in regards to the latest updates.

At 1:39 PM, Blogger QuickBooks Payroll Support said...

Payroll and its own attributes demand lots of care and attention. These attributes of every business or organization always need to be run in safe hands. QuickBooks Enterprise Support Phone Number is software that fulfils the requirement for accuracy, correctness, etc. in Payroll calculation. Our team at QuickBooks Payroll Support Phone Number makes sure to combat the errors that hinder the performance with this software.

At 2:04 PM, Blogger rdsraftaar said...

But don’t worry we have been always here to aid you. As you are able to dial our QuickBooks Payroll Technical Support Number. Our QB online payroll support team provide proper guidance to fix all issue connected with it. I will be glad that will help you.

At 4:14 PM, Blogger QuickBooks Payroll Support Phone Number said...

Our customer service executives have significant amounts of experience and so are sharp along with smart in finding out the particular cause and optimal solution each and every error that you could face. Contact us anytime for our QuickBooks Enterprise Tech Support Number even as we are available 24*7for your help.

At 7:39 PM, Blogger accountingwizards said...

If you are looking support for similar, it is possible to directly contact our Intuit Intuit QuickBooks Support Number. We now have a professional team of QuickBooks experts that are here 24×7, working ceaselessly to resolve your issues. For more detail, contact us today.

At 2:06 PM, Blogger rdsraftaar said...

The flawless payroll services are available here as part of your QuickBooks. You have wonderful possibilities to get advanced Enhanced accounting solutions simplifying your organization. Around 1.3 million small businessmen make use of this accounting answer to manage their payment operations. In case you need any type of help related to QB payroll, Contact QuickBooks Payroll Tech Support Number to talk to our experts.

At 12:41 PM, Blogger jameswill11 said...

QuickBooks Payroll Support Phone Number will be the toll-free level of where our skilled, experienced and responsible team can be obtained 24*7 at your service. There are a selection of errors that pop up in QuickBooks Payroll which are taken care of by our highly knowledgeable and dedicated customer support executives.

At 5:36 PM, Blogger QuickBooks Support Phone Number said...

Get in touch with our Quickbooks customer service through our toll-free Quickbooks helpline number or QuickBooks Tech Support Number for any kind of help and support in generating an invoice, pay bills, or for any other QuickBooks related help.

At 2:10 PM, Blogger jameswill11 said...

QuickBook Support accords assistance to the QuickBooks users’ worldwide. The support team may be reached through various modes such as for instance: phone support, email support, live chat, FAQ, QuickBooks community etc.

At 1:22 PM, Blogger QuickBooks Payroll Support said...

QuickBooks Tech Support Number has almost changed it is of accounting. Nowadays accounting has exploded to become everyone’s cup of tea and that’s only become possible because due to the birth of QuickBooks accounting software.

At 5:44 PM, Blogger QuickBooks Support Phone Number said...

You could get all sort of QuickBooks Tech Support Phone Number related assistance from our expert tech support team suppliers. We give exceptionally qualified tech specialists who have involvement in settling all style of QuickBooks issues and they are serving our clients aided by the best sorts of specialized solace.

At 12:40 PM, Blogger HP Printer Support Number said...

The phone number immediately connects you to the pros who will be available for you round the clock to present you an instant help to correct HP Printer Support Number . Meanwhile, we now have also show up with some of the finest possible problems and solutions for HP Printers.

At 12:46 PM, Blogger HP Printer Support Number said...

Hence, HP wireless printer not printing anything condition can be subjugated by simply updating and reinstalling the HP Inkjet Printer Support Number driver. It ought to be noted that the printer must always use genuine HP cartridge when HP Printer will not print good quality prints.

At 1:12 PM, Blogger QuickBooks Payroll Support said...

QuickBooks Payroll Tech Support Number has emerged one of the better accounting software that has had changed the meaning of payroll. Quickbooks Payroll Support contact number will be the team that provide you Quickbooks Payroll Support. This software of QuickBooks is sold with various versions and sub versions.

At 6:33 PM, Blogger rdsraftaar said...

The guide could have helped you understand QuickBooks file corruption and methods to resolve it accordingly. If you would like gain more knowledge on file corruption or other accounting issues, then we welcome you at our professional support center. You can easily reach our staff via QuickBooks Technical Support Phone Number & get required suggestion after all time. The group sitting aside understands its responsibility as genuine & offers reasonable help with your demand.

At 2:39 PM, Blogger accountingwizards said...

It really is terribly frustrating, to mention the smallest amount as soon as you face one particular error. Errors hamper the job pace however additionally disturb your mental peace. Our QuickBooks Tech Support specialists take most of the errors terribly seriously and that they will fix all the errors.

At 2:32 PM, Blogger Mathew said...

And also with this specific, our QuickBooks Support Number team has much knowledge and details about QuickBooks tools such as QuickBooks database server manager and many more. Many users always think about QuickBooks journal entry that how exactly to easily create.

At 11:45 AM, Blogger steffan said...

QuickBooks Payroll has emerged one of the better accounting software that has had changed this is of payroll. QuickBooks Payroll Support Phone Number will be the team that provide you Quickbooks Payroll Support. This software of QuickBooks comes with various versions and sub versions.

At 1:05 PM, Blogger Jamess said...

QuickBooks Online Payroll Support On Latest Payroll Updates Payroll updates can be found to the users who have subscribed to QuickBooks payroll advanced & enhanced subscriptions. An individual having payroll subscription are facilitated with trending and lots of accurate calculations of tax tables, forms, e-file & pay options, etc. All of the changes are manufactured during the year end, as state & federal agencies make plenty of changes for the next year. Someone who has subscribed to payroll from QuickBooks Payroll Technical Support. can download updates on the internet. If you set up automatic updates on, then new updates are automatically downloaded.

At 12:23 PM, Blogger kevin32 said...

In spite of all of the well-known QuickBooks Tech Support Phone Number Premier features you might find difficulty at some steps. QuickBooks Support telephone number is the foremost destination to call in the time scale of these crisis.

At 2:32 PM, Blogger Bryan Willson said...

While installing QuickBooks Pro at multiple computer systems or laptops, certain bugs shall disturb the initial put up process. This installation related problem could be solved by letting the executives that are handling the QuickBooks Tech Support know the details pertaining to your license and also the date of purchase associated with the product to instantly solve the put up related issue.

At 12:19 PM, Blogger QuickBooks Payroll Support said...

It doesn’t matter if you work at odd hours or find yourself in such a situation. We make sure that any sort of time restrictions don’t hinder your work life. Our QuickBooks Enterprise Tech Support Phone Number line is equipped with expert confidants working 24/7, so that time is not an issue when it comes to catering to your needs.

At 5:23 PM, Blogger quickbboks tech support phone number +1(855)-236-7529 said...

While working on QuickBooks software, there are certain scenarios when you get stuck in the middle of QuickBooks errors. One such sneaky problem is QuickBooks Error -6150, -1006 . In such situations dial our +1-855-236-7529 and get effective solutions to fix QuickBooks Error -6150, -1006.
Read more:

At 1:42 PM, Blogger qb enterprise support number said...

The team at QuickBooks Support Phone Number 1-888-238-7409 has keen interest in resolving annoying errors like QuickBooks Error H101. Visit us: -

At 1:17 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Sometimes it is more daunting to figure out QuickBooks errors. In all those times when you feel stuck with your QuickBooks software seek support from our professionals at QuickBooks POS Support Phone Number 1(800)674-9538. For More Visit:

At 1:18 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Our team at QuickBooks Enterprise Support Phone Number 1(800)674-9538 is placed to take care of every minor to major complexities which user may encounter while working on their QuickBooks mac software. For More Visit:

At 1:04 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

QuickBooks Enterprise Support Phone Number +1 800-674-9538 is answered by a group of experts who have complete knowledge of QuickBooks. An accounting software, QuickBooks provides you tools that are immensely beneficial for you. For More Visit:

At 12:23 PM, Blogger QuickBooks Support Phone Number said...

Hi! Wonderful Post. Thank you so much for this lovely post. Could you please post some more blogs on the same topic? Looking forward to your positive response. If you are using QuickBooks software then you must be aware of the bad bugs of this software. One such error is QuickBooks Error 80070057. You can get solutions for this error at QuickBooks Payroll Support Phone Number 1-833-441-8848.

At 2:29 AM, Blogger HP Printer Support Number said...

Is it accurate to say that you are chasing for the best HP Printer Technical Support accessible crosswise over USA and Canada? We offer the best and solid specialized help for all issues identified with your HP items.

In the event that you are truly tired of the re-happening printer issue with your claimed HP, at that point we prescribe you to attempt our World-class remote technical support which is only one summon. Call and get associated with our online HP remote technical support.

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HP Printer Support Number

At 12:21 PM, Blogger Tech Customer Support Number said...

Let me add some valuable information to this post. For anybody having any QuickBooks related technical concerns, one can directly talk to the experts QuickBooks Helpline Number +1 833-228-2822. The queries will be welcomed by the professionals. After a research and study, the expected solutions will be provided.
Read More: QuickBooks Error H505

At 12:05 PM, Blogger The Qb Payroll said...

Resolve QuickBooks Error H202 with effective solutions. You may find various solutions available on the web. But, here we come up with one of the effective solutions. By following which you can efficiently resolve QuickBooks Error H202. For More Visit:

At 12:33 PM, Blogger The Qb Payroll said...

Facing Error problem in QuickBooks? Contact QuickBooks Support +1(800)986-4591 to resolve the issue. The QuickBooks experts on the QuickBooks Enterprise resolves the trouble with immediate assistance. Get connected with the support & avail effective steps to counter the QuickBooks Problem. Acquire round the clock assistance from our experts. For More Visit:

At 1:01 PM, Blogger The Qb Payroll said...

QuickBooks flaw is now no longer remains a big trouble with effective solutions. Here we are going to discuss about one such error trouble ie. QuickBooksor 77. Definitely, QuickBooks is ultimate accounting software but sometimes, it often persists with glitches in the form of error code. With effective solution, it can be resolved immediately. Now, here let’s learn more about QuickBooks Error 77 & acquire its efficient solution. For More visit:

At 12:29 PM, Blogger QuickBooks Payroll Support said...

Quickbooks Payroll Support Phone Number 1-800-986-4607 if you are Expand your business to a new hike, with progressive approach. Seeking for the best accounting software? Then, get quickbooks installed in your system. The software proves to be more profitable to the business.
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At 12:47 PM, Blogger The Qb Payroll said...

There are times when it encounters problems that affect the smooth functioning of your business. This is where you need the support of our team. Dial our QuickBooks POS Support Phone Number 1-800-986-4591. Once you connect with our experts, they will deal with your issues and provide effective solutions. For More Visit:

At 1:36 PM, Blogger QuickBooks Payroll Support said...

Nice Blog ! Let our support team solve your issues. No matter how complex the problem is, we are always here to support you. Right from the installation process to resolving any complex error. Dial our QuickBooks Customer Service Number 1-800-986-4607.
View on Map:

At 12:20 PM, Blogger The Qb Payroll said...

QuickBooks has revolutionised various firms with their extensive features. From managing expenses to monitoring inventory to estimating payroll, QuickBooks offer wide benefits to the user. But, sometimes user come across the trouble as error code appears in the display. Here, QuickBooks support Phone Number +1(800)986-4591 delivers in-depth service benefits to the user. For More Visit:

At 5:24 PM, Blogger QuickBooks Payroll Support said...

Nice Blog ! Do you need instant help? If yes, get your QuickBooks issues resolved in seconds by dialing our QuickBooks Error Support Phone Number 1-800-986-4607.

At 4:01 PM, Blogger The Qb Payroll said...

Facing QuickBooks error 404? Get connected with us at 1-800-986-4591 to know the causes behind error trouble. As it is quite common to observe error code in QuickBooks. Few of the causes that are responsible for QuickBooks Error 404. For More Visit:

At 4:27 PM, Blogger The Qb Payroll said...

Looking for a consistent support that can resolve every issues? Then, you are at the right place to attain the solution, from our QuickBooks Desktop Support Phone Number +1(833)401-0005. One-stop solution for all your riddles which our service team deliver to the customers. Before moving into the desktop support, let’s take a glance, at how Quickbooks has flourished small & medium size businesses. For More Visit:

At 5:50 PM, Blogger The Qb Payroll said...

Your Solution is our Priority. You have to do only one thing -Just Ask! Call us now, on QuickBooks Phone Number For Support 844-908-0801.

At 7:30 PM, Blogger The Qb Payroll said...

Facing error trouble in QuickBooks Payroll? Connect with QuickBooks Technical Support Phone Number +1(833)401-0005. Our QuickBooks experts are deployed for you, to offer immediate assistance. Contact them anytime, whenever you come across error trouble or having queries in mind. for more visit:

At 3:30 PM, Blogger The Qb Payroll said...

Call QuickBooks Support Phone Number +1(800)986-4591 to gain a comprehensive guide regarding QuickBooks & its usage. Before the advent of QuickBooks, accounting is considered to be monotonous tasks to perform. It would become difficult for an accountant to monitor & estimate accounting work daily. For More Visit:

At 1:28 PM, Blogger The Qb Payroll said...

Enjoy uninterrupted benefits from our Helpline number. Our support team constitutes of Highly dedicated team member that offer reliable services to the user for QuickBooks Payroll Error ps038. Anytime a user can procure the services by calling on the Quickbooks Support Number +1(833)401-0005. They provide round the clock assistance to the users. As a user can avail solutions for complex issues. For More Visit:

At 5:22 PM, Blogger The Qb Payroll said...

if you are facing any difficulty in handling this error, you can take assistance from us. For this, you need to dial our toll-free QuickBooks Number 1-833-401-0005. For More Visit:

At 1:21 PM, Blogger The Qb Payroll said...

QuickBooks has offered its users a list of benefits. Nonetheless, just call the QuickBooks Support Phone Number +1(833)401-0005 if you encounter any problems with the program.For More Visit:

At 12:52 PM, Blogger The Qb Payroll said...

QuickBooks has revolutionised various firms with their extensive features. From managing expenses to monitoring inventory to estimating payroll, QuickBooks offer wide benefits to the user. But, sometimes user come across the trouble as error code appears in the display. Here, QuickBooks Customer Service Phone Number +1(833)401-0005 delivers in-depth service benefits to the user. For More Visit:

At 1:39 PM, Blogger The Qb Payroll said...

Are you one among the users of QuickBooks? Then, the article is for you. Definitely, QuickBooks is a leading accounting software that has flourished various organisations. In the contribution of business revolution, the role of QuickBooks Enterprise Support Phone Number 833-401-0005 can’t be denied. Here, we are going to emphasize on the fact that, how support always remain a helping hand behind QuickBooks. For More Visit:

At 1:05 PM, Blogger QuickBooks Payroll Support said...

QuickBooks Support Phone Number
Quickbooks Proadvisor Support Phone Number
QuickBooks Helpline Number
Quickbooks Proadvisor Support Phone Number
Quickbooks Proadvisor Support Phone Number
QuickBooks Error 15215
QuickBooks Toll Free Phone Number
QuickBooks Support Phone Number
QuickBooks Customer Service Number
QuickBooks Pro Support Phone Number

At 11:54 AM, Blogger The Qb Payroll said...

QuickBooks Error Support Phone Number
QuickBooks Payroll Support Phone Number
QuickBooks POS Support Phone Number
QuickBooks Support Phone Number
QuickBooks Customer Service Phone Number

At 3:19 PM, Blogger The Qb Payroll said...

QuickBooks Payroll Support Phone Number
QuickBooks Enterprise Support Phone Number
QuickBooks Toll Free Phone Number
QuickBooks Customer Support Phone Number
QuickBooks Customer Support Phone Number

At 1:51 PM, Blogger The Qb Payroll said...

Welcome to QuickBooks Customer Support Phone Number 1-833-440-8848 that is an easy way to get rid of QuickBooks Errors. We have an extremely advanced and highly qualified specialist to tackle your issues. For More Visit:

At 6:41 PM, Blogger The Qb Payroll said...

If you do have any queries or persists with technical grievances. Give a call on QuickBooks Support Phone Number +1(833)440-8848 to acquire immediate assistance. Our experts at Quickbooks support provide reliable assistance. So, if any kind of problem persists, give a call to us. We are available for 24*7 to give an effective solution. For More Visit:


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